- age in place
- agency
- agile
- agile development
- agile marketing
- aging
- aging parents
- alignment
- analysis paralysis
- anxiety
- art
- Authenticity
- bad managers
- brainstorming
- brand srtategy
- brand strategy
- branding
- budgeting
- building
- business
- business analysis
- business intelligence
- business management
- business of you
- business planning
- business podcast
- business potential
- business problem alignment
- business problem context
- business psychology
- business strategy
- buyer personas
- buyer's journey
- career advancement
- career advice
- carol dweck
- case study
- Chief Financial Officer
- collaboration
- communication
- community
- compromise
- Connie Steele
- content
- content development
- content marketing
- content strategy
- context of a business problem
- corporate podcasting
- corporate podcasts
- culture
- customer experience
- customer profiling
- customer research
- Dana Cavalea
- data
- data-driven
- decision mapping
- decision-making
- demand generation
- demographics
- Dr. Mary Lamia
- emotional
- emotional benefits
- emotional intelligence
- emotions
- empathy
- employees
- enterprise
- entrepreneurship
- EQ
- estate planning
- executive
- family planning
- fear
- financial planning
- firmographics
- fixed mindset
- framework
- fuel
- fulfillment
- functional benefits
- future of work
- future section
- growth
- growth hacking
- growth mindset
- gut-driven
- happiness
- implementation
- integrity
- Jen McDonald
- Josh Steele
- KPIs
- Kyle Loudermilk
- laddering
- lead generation
- lead with empathy
- leadership
- lean startups
- life planning
- management
- marketing
- marketing section
- marketing strategy
- means-end
- measurement
- mid-life
- mid-life crisis
- mid-life crunch
- midlife
- momentum
- motivation
- music
- mutual respect
- objective alignment
- operations
- organization
- partnering
- passion
- people
- people alignment
- performanc
- persona
- personal development
- planning
- podcast
- podcast consumers
- podcasting
- podcasting tools
- post pandemic work
- process
- process alignment
- productivity
- professional development
- profiling
- psychographics
- psychology
- purpose
- radical candor
- raising children
- rational
- repusposing
- research
- respect
- results
- rockbridge associates
- sacrifice
- sandwich years
- scaleup
- science
- selflessness
- selling
- servant leadership
- shame
- shared experience
- solving business problems
- startup
- startups
- Steve Brown
- storytelling
- strategic alignment
- strategic planning
- strategy
- strategy section
- strategy-execution
- strategy-execution gap
- success
- team alignment
- teamwork
- technology
- the great reshuffle
- the great resignation
- tips
- tone
- tone from the top
- tools
- top down
- top-down
- tourist
- traveler
- trust
- trusted leadership
- value
- value chain
- value creation
- values
- values matter
- video
- vision
- voice of the customer
- vulnerability
- working parents
- worklife
- yann ilunga
Strategy & Planning
Josh Steele
Strategy & Planning
Josh Steele
Do you approach life as a tourist or a traveler?
Do you know the difference between a tourist and a traveler? It can make all the difference in living a fulfilled life.