Getting to the "Why" Means Knowing Both the Rational and Emotional Side
Consumer behavior isn’t based on rational decisions alone. Emotions are dominant in dictating their thoughts, spurring motivations, and actions. To understand the "why" behind customer motivations and actions, you need to understand both sides.
Optimizing Your Initiatives Means Knowing Your Customer Inside and Out
How well do you really know your target audience? The reality is that most marketers don’t. But understanding your customers is critical to delivering the best customer experience, serving up the right product, or whatever your intended business objective may be. You can’t positively impact your business if you don’t everything about them.
Case Study: How Agile Marketing Revolutionized Our Video Creation Process
The challenge? Find a way to communicate the successes of a software development company to potential clients. The solution? Create a memorable series of video case studies -- in an agile way.
What it Takes to be Marketing.
Agile marketing may take different forms across various applications; still, any organization can adopt the practice. Here are six critical components to making that happen.
To be Agile, or Not to be Agile…in Marketing. That is the Question.
Ever find yourself in a situation where the end deliverable doesn’t align to intended expectations? Taking an agile approach to marketing may be your solution.
Aligning People, Process, and Purpose
In order to solve the right business problem, it requires organizational alignment around a common set of goals and objectives that puts your customer as the main point of context. Learn more.