Building Value by Living Your Values
The most “successful” people in this emerging world will be those who align value creation with their personal values. Whether employees, executive leaders, individuals, it is time to redefine happiness and success.
I have a life partner that is my opposite and what that tells me about building a business
Are you "black and white" or "shades of gray"? Partnering with your opposite actually provides a model for organizational culture building.
Organization Building Starts at Home - and Defines what you do Outside of It
The relationships we form in our personal lives can and should determine how we show up in our professional lives. I discuss how we can be an individual who is also part of a larger unit.
The Lens of a CFO
We're a mashup of many things. It takes a lot of time, practice, and discipline to work towards a mastery of one skill, much less many. You have to be committed to continuous learning and have the patience to take a lot of shots in order to capture one that is truly extraordinary.
Five Qualities of Trusted Leadership
Today, the HOW of leadership matters more than ever. It's no longer good enough to have a vision and the laser focus to achieve it. You must first build TRUST.